October 12, 2013
Reebok One Videos
As mentioned previously on this blog, I’m thrilled to serve as an educational consultant to Reebok — a world leader in fitness and sporting apparel. In my consuling role, I’ll be contributing monthly content to the ReebokOne website. Here are two recent videos I filmed for the site that you may find of interest:
The first video demonstrates an awesome variation of the traditional plank called the long-lever posterior tilt plank (LLPTP). This variation was popularized by Pavel Tsatsouline of the RKC. Research from my human performance lab shows that the LLPTP blows away the traditional plank with respect to abdominal muscle activity. It’s a challenging exercise, but for more advanced lifters definitely something to have in your training arsenal. Here’s the link: Long-lever posterior tilt plank video
The second video addresses the longstanding claim that you shouldn’t allow your knees to travel past the line of your toes when squatting or lunging. This belief has been adopted as gospel in a majority of the fitness community. Question is, does the claim have validity? Find out the real science here: Is knees-over-toes harmful during the squat?
In order to view the videos, you do need to register on the ReebokOne site. The good news is that registration is free and takes only a few minutes. Hope you enjoy the content!
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