August 13, 2009
More on Time Magazine and the Importance of Exercise
I wanted to extend a big thanks to Amby Burfoot, editor at Runner’s World, for embracing and linking to my blog post, Is Exercise Derailing Your Efforts to Lose Weight . It’s heartening to know others are joining in the endeavor to discredit Time Magazine’s recent article titled, Why Exercise Won’t Make You Thin. You don’t expect such irresponsible journalism from a publication such as Time (at least I don’t), but apparently all ethics and morals fly out the window when it comes to stirring up controversy to sell a few more magazines. It’s the old adage that any publicity is good publicity.
Hopefully there will be enough of a backlash against Time and the article’s author, John Cloud, to discourage such underhanded attempts in the future. More importantly, hopefully the public will see this article for what it is: a combination of faulty science and skewed research. Exercise confers so many positive benefits (including aiding in weight loss and improving body composition) that it would be tragic if even one person is swayed to stop exercising by Mr. Cloud’s drivel. Spread the word: Exercise is good for your waistline. Really!
Stay Fit!
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[…] View original here: More on Time Magazine and the Importance of Exercise […]
Pingback by » More on Time Magazine and the Importance of Exercise — August 13, 2009 @ 1:46 pm
This is not a subject that can be easily discussed via email, but to put it simply…I can’t imagine why time magazine would actually have anyone write an article like this. It can not come from any relaible source. Anyone, who knows anything about weight loss should know that yes…we can loose weight without it,BUT it is much more effective with training and the after effects are much better as well….BMR, as one example.
I generally find that people who write these articles generally do things from a theory point of view…not very practical. As well they never practice what the preach! As far as not having an appetitite increase due to resistance training…again…need I say more. In short…they have no idea what they are talking about and I challenge anyone who supports this article!
Stay Active! Saty Alive!
Comment by Kennedy Lodato — August 24, 2009 @ 10:23 pm