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January 4, 2008
About Brad
Brad Schoenfeld, PhD, CSCS, CSPS, FNSCA, is an internationally renowned fitness expert and widely regarded as one of the leading authorities on body composition training (muscle development and fat loss). He is a lifetime drug-free bodybuilder, and has won numerous natural bodybuilding titles.
Brad is a best-selling author of multiple fitness books including The M.A.X. Muscle Plan (Human Kinetics, 2012), which has been widely referred to as the “muscle-building bible,” and Strong and Sculpted (Human Kinetics, 2016), which details a cutting-edge body sculpting program targeted to women. Brad also has authored the seminal textbook Science and Develoment of Muscle Hypertrophy (Human Kinetics, 2016), the first text devoted to an evidence-based elucidation of the mechanisms and strategies for optimizing muscle growth. In total, Brad’s books have sold over a half-million copies.
Brad has been published or appeared in such consumer publications as Shape, Self, Fitness, Ladies Home Journal, Redbook, Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire, Woman’s Day, Fit, The New York Times, New York Daily News, Gannett Suburban Papers, The Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Oxygen, Musclemag, Ironman, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and many, many others. He is currently a columnist for Muscular Development Magazine and serves as a regular fitness expert for numerous popular websites. He has been a fitness correspondent for News 12 (Westchester, NY) and has appeared on over a hundred television shows including FOX Newschannel, CNN Headline News, CBS Evening News, UPN News, Good Day New York, Good Day LA, CBS New York Live, NBC Live at Five, and Today in New York, as well as hundreds of radio programs across the country.
Brad is a consultant to Reebok International and provides educational content for their ReebokOne program. He also is on the advisory board for Dymatize Nutrition, a leading manufacturer of nutritional supplements. He was formerly the national spokesperson for Dreamfields Foods, makers of the world’s premier low-carb pasta.
Brad is President of Global Fitness Services, a diverse, multifaceted fitness corporation with several divisions. The consulting division, Fitness Design Concepts, provides a variety of consulting services to corporations, institutions and other entities. The educational division produces the Scientific Muscle Newsletter. He is a popular lecturer, providing seminars and workshops both on the consumer and professional level having presented in over 30 different countries across five continents. Professionally, he has lectured for the International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association (IHRSA), National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), ECA World Fitness, CanFitPro, Athletic Business Confrence and Club Industry, among others.
Brad is widely regarded as a “trainer of trainers.” He is an assistant professor in the exercise science department at Lehman College in the Bronx, NY, and acts as director of their human performance laboratory. He was previously a faculty and board member at the American Academy of Personal Training in New York City, a vocational school for aspiring fitness trainers.
Brad earned his masters degree in kinesiology/exercise science from the University of Texas and his PhD at Rocky Mountain University where his dissertation focused on elucidating the mechanisms of muscle hypertrophy and their application to resistance training. He has published over 100 peer-reviewed research articles on exercise and sports nutrition, many in high impact factor journals, as well as several textbook chapters. He acts as the Assistant Editor-in-Chief for the NSCA’s Strength and Conditioning Journal, as well as serving on the editorial advisory board for the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition and the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.
Brad is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist by the NSCA and achieved the distinction of fellowship with the organization. He also has achieved multiple certifications as a personal trainer, including the NSCA, ACSM, American Council on Exercise (ACE), Aerobics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA), and CanFitPro. In 2011, he was named NSCA Personal Trainer of the Year. In addition, he is a member of IDEA Health and Fitness Association, which has bestowed upon him the title of Master Trainer – the highest ranking possible. He currently serves as a member of the board of directors for the NSCA. He is the recipient of the 2016 Dwight D. Eisenhower Fitnss Award, presented by the United States Sports Academy for outstanding achievement in fitness and contributions to the growth and development of sport fitness through outstanding leadership activity.