
October 27, 2010

T-Nation Article on Muscle Hypertrophy

I recently was interviewed by the popular site, T-Nation, for an article on muscle hypertrophy. You can read the article at the link below. It is a bit technical, but if you are interested in maximizing muscle development, I’m sure you’ll find it of interest.

Brad Schoenfeld Discusses Muscle Hypertrophy on T-Nation

Stay Fit!



  1. Brad,

    Loved the research article — I went ahead and purchased it from the journal publisher site. Great top-level survey combined with real depth.

    You covered the kaatsu/hypoxia/occlusion research well, but didn’t end up recommending it in your final conclusions. I’ve found that this is common; everyone is impressed by the accelerated outcomes, but no one really knows how to apply it in the US, and it almost seems like people aren’t really sure whether to believe the research or not. Does that match your perception? Why do you think people aren’t recommending it in practice?

    Also, when are you writing a book/ebook for men?

    Comment by Dave — October 30, 2010 @ 2:05 pm

  2. Thanks for the nice feedback Dave. The application of occlusion training is very limited. First, it really can only be done in the extremities–it simply doesn’t translate to the torso. I also think that the best way to maximize hypertrophy is to train in a manner that utilizes higher intensity loads while at the same time inducing metabolic stress. I did address these factors in my review.

    A book for maximizing muscle development is currently in progress. Hopefully out some time next year. Stay tuned 🙂


    Comment by Brad — October 31, 2010 @ 9:46 am

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