October 24, 2011
Spinal Flexion Articles
Several recent bloggers have weighed in on the review article I co-wrote with Bret Contreras about the potential risks and rewards of spinal flexion exercises. First, the Cooper Institute wrote a post titled Controversy Over Crunches, the Cooper team does a good job summarizing the basic info on the topic. Similarly, my colleague Jonathan Ross wrote an article for the American Council on Exercise titled When Pigs Crunch that also summarized the issue nicely. I encourage you to read both posts.
It’s nice to see that our article stirred up debate on the subject, and that the pendulum has now swung back to center. If you still haven’t read our original article To Crunch or Not to Crunch, you can do so at the link below. Due to the publicity that the article generated, the NSCA has made the article free to view:
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[…] Spinal Flexion Articles -Brad Schoenfeld. […]
Pingback by Articles. « Killsession Musings — December 6, 2011 @ 1:18 am
The article appears to have been locked up again, right now it doesn’t let me open it without becoming a subscriber.
Comment by C — January 30, 2012 @ 10:03 am
Hey C:
Yes, I believe the free preview was only available for a couple of months. Send me an email and I will send you the PDF of the article…
Comment by Brad — January 31, 2012 @ 7:50 am
This tip very helpful for me. My rank over 21mis
Comment by Geoffrey Wagg — March 13, 2012 @ 12:32 pm
Brad – Could you send me the PDF of the article also? Thanks!
Comment by Lovena Tuley — December 14, 2012 @ 1:46 pm
I emailed the article Lovena.
Comment by Brad — December 14, 2012 @ 6:12 pm