Media Appearances, Speaking
June 7, 2016
Wanted to keep you updated on all that is going on at the moment. So much to share!

In case you haven’t heard, my newest consumer book called Strong and Sculpted, was released a few weeks ago. Happy to report it’s been the top-selling new book in’s “weight training” category and has gotten stellar reviews from consumers and pros alike. It’s a scientifically-based handbook for optimizing muscle development, providing step-by-step guidelines for program design. Check it out! In addition, my upcoming textbook called, Science and Development of Muscle Hypertrophy, is scheduled to be released at the end of the month. It will be the first text to provide an evidence-based perspective on muscle growth, covering all the research and its practical implications. If you’d like to be amongst the first to receive the book, it’s now available for pre-order on at a 20% discount.
A recent study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition reported that branched chain amino acid (BCAA) supplementation helped accelerate fat loss while preserving lean mass in trained individuals performing resistance training when dieting. On the surface, this would seem to provide compelling evidence of a benefit to supplementation. However, after scrutinizing the study’s methods, my colleagues Alan Aragon, Brad Dieter, and I found some glaring issues with the statistical procedures and reporting of data. We thus wrote a letter to the edtior detailing these errors and inconsistencies. Give it a read, as it points out the importance of perusing the entire study – not just the abstract – when drawing practical applications from research.
Here’s a vid of my favorite way to perform upright rows. The rope takes stress off the wrists, facilitating movement. Make sure your upper arms don’t go beyond parallel to the ground and your elbows stay above the level of your wrists.
Big shout out to my buddy and partner-in-science Bret Contreras for officially publishing the first long-term study on performance outcomes in the hip thrust versus the squat. Bret has devoted his career to developing a better understanding of how strength and hypertrophy of the hip extensors can be optimized through resistance training, and this study provides an important addition to the literature. I know Bret’s working on a number of follow-ups to further this line of research. Stay tuned.

I have a number of speaking engagements schedule for this summer. First up is Bropocalypse 2016 taking place on June 11th and 12th in Sydney, Australia. I’ll be speaking with uber-colleagues Alan Aragon, Bret Contreras, and James Krieger on what will be a terrific weekend of evidence-based learning. Next up is the NSCA National Conference in New Orleans this July, where I’ll speak on loading strategies for maximizing muscular gains. Then comes the CanFitPro World Expo in Toronto, Canada where I’ll be speaking on a number of fitness- and nutrition-related topics, as well as doing a book sign at the expo. Finally, at the end of August I’ll be in Oslo, Norway at the AFPT Fitness Convention along with some of the best and brightest minds in fitness. Last year’s event was a sell-out so if you’re planning to attend book early!
I recently appeared again on Superhuman Radio to discuss some of my recent research as well as my new book. The host, Carl Lanore, always asks pointed questions that make for a compelling listen.
Last but not least, I’ve uploaded a majority of my recent publications to my ResearchGate page. Included is our recent meta-analysis on training frequency, an original study comparing a daily undulating periodized routine to a traditional hypertrophy protocol, and a study on the effects of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) on fat loss, amongst others. The PDFs are free to download and soak up the knowledge!
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Thanks for sharing your pdf’s and knowledge with us…and for free!
You’re awesome 😉
Comment by Darren — June 8, 2016 @ 2:44 am
Appreciate the sentiments Darren. Cheers!
Comment by Brad — June 8, 2016 @ 8:00 am