March 16, 2011
Radio Interview with Bodybuilder Layne Norton
Here is a link to an interesting radio interview where Layne Norton PhD is interviewed about my recent review paper on fasted cardio. Layne is a pro natural bodybuilder and all around astute guy (he has his doctorate in nutritional science). Here he does a great job of articulating the specifics as to why fasted cardio produces little if any benefit with respect to fat loss, and why it actually might be detrimental to body composition. Give it a listen!
Radio Interview with Layne Norton, PhD
Stay Fit!
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I am a teenager and I think I will to begin body building. Most of my peers seem to be cooler then I am so I would like to change that. But someone I know recently told me that weight lifting will stunt my growth, so I would like to be sure if that is the truth?
Comment by Oren Bevelacqua — July 23, 2011 @ 10:16 pm
Really waitting to read your next article.Keep up the good work.
Comment by Bodybuilding misc — October 23, 2011 @ 6:16 pm