February 24, 2011
More on Fasted Cardio…
I was recently interviewed for an article on Rodale.com about my article, Does Cardio After an Overnight Fast Maximize Fat Loss?. The article does a nice job summing up the conclusions. Here is a link to the article:
Why Exercising on an Empty Stomach Is a Bad Idea.
Stay Fit!
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I think the main bone I have to pick with the fasted cardio is that people think they HAVE to do it and that by doing it they WILL burn more fat.
Wrong (and you have nailed this on the head): the most fat you’ll burn comes from the lifestyle that leads you to train the hardest and eat the least, while still moving and being happy, which is, I think, the point that you’re trying to make.
However, fasted cardio is not necessarily worse than non-fasted cardio, either. In my instance, I train best on an empty stomach. I take a caffeine pill half an hour before training and bust my ass. This makes me more alert throughout the day. If I have something to eat before my workout, I just get sluggish and nauseated.
Comment by Clement — February 24, 2011 @ 9:21 pm
I don’t disagree with anything you said, at least in terms of fat burning. Overall, fasted cardio is neither better nor worse than cardio after a meal from a fat burning perspective. However, there is potential issues with maintaining muscle–glycogen-depleted training has been shown to catabolize muscle protein, which can have a detrimental effect on your physique.
Comment by Brad — February 24, 2011 @ 9:46 pm