Personal Appearances

July 29, 2010

2010 Appearance at CanFitPro in Toronto

Wanted to let everyone know that I will be speaking at the 2010 CanFitPro conference in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. In addition to giving lectures on a variety of professional topics, I will also be speaking at the consumer show on home workouts. The conference runs from August 11-15. Here is a link to the event:

2010 CanFitPro International Fitness and Club Business Conference

Stay Fit!


1 Comment

  1. Hi Brad:
    Heard you at CanFitPro Toronto. Thanks for the great info on pre-menopausal women.

    I\’m a personal trainer and professional writer, and I\’m working on a story on treadmill workouts for Chatelaine, Canada\’s largest-circulation magazine.

    I\’m looking for a quick quote from an expert like you re the validity of the treadmill calorie counter.

    I\’ve heard that many of them overestimate this, but i don\’t have any research to back it up.

    If you do, I\’d be happy to quote you in the story and include one of your book titles.

    My deadline is looming, so would love to hear from you today or asap!

    Thanks if you can help,

    Comment by Barb Gormley — August 27, 2010 @ 11:08 am

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