July 1, 2011
10 Must-Read Fitness Blogs
There are a lot of terrific fitness blogs in the blogosphere. Here are 10 that I’ve found to be highly informative, entertaining and, most importantly, scientifically based. No offense to any that aren’t mentioned here–I hope to cover another round in a future blog post. Read and enjoy!
Bretcontreras.com: This blog is authored by fitness guru Bret Contreras. Pure and simple, Bret is one of the most learned and well-read fitness pros I’ve ever encountered. I’ve collaborated on numerous articles with him, and am proud to call him a good friend. Bret’s blog is an eclectic mix of great training info on a wide variety of subjects. The breadth of material that he covers is a testament to his expansive knowledge base. You’ll always learn something new from reading his blog.
Nicktumminello.com: This blog is authored by Nick Tumminello. Nick is a highly knowledgeable fitness pro who is consistently creative in his exercises and routines. I’ve gotten to know Nick well over the past year and have been highly impressed with his approach to fitness. His blog includes videos, training routines, and guest posts. Always a good read.
Ben’s Blog: This blog is authored by Ben Bruno. Ben is an up-and-coming fitness pro who is adept in discussing a host of fitness subjects. What’s particularly interesting about Ben’s blog is that he posts a weekly “good reads” and “good videos,” which covers dozens of good articles recently posted on the internet. This alone is a terrific resource, not to be missed!
Mark Young Training Systems: This blog is authored by Mark Young. Mark is dedicated to research-based information on fitness. His posts often challenge rigidly held beliefs about exercise and nutrition, and he regularly solicits guest posts from those in the know.
Exercise Biology: This blog is subtitled “The Science of Exercise and Nutrition.” You can bet it keeps its promise. The blog is authored by Anoop Balachandran, an extremely bright and well-read fitness pro. Anoop always takes an evidence-based approach in his posts, citing applicable studies to support his views. The site also has an active forum where scientifically-minded fitness people discuss a wide spectrum of topics. Highly recommended reading.
Ericcressey.com: This blog is authored by Eric Cressey. Eric is popular strength and conditioning specialist who has made a name for himself by training many athletes, particularly baseball players. Eric has an excellent grasp of the science of exercise as well as the practical experience to properly implement the relevant principles. He posts regularly on a variety of subjects and does so in an interesting and informative manner.
Louschuler.com: This blog is authored by Lou Schuler. Lou is the former fitness editor for Men’s Health magazine as well as a popular fitness author. Lou’s training is as a journalist, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t knowledgeable about fitness. Quite the contrary, he’s dedicated himself to reading and understanding research and it shows. As you might expect from a journalist, his posts are extremely reader-friendly, sometimes funny, and often thought-provoking. A consistently enjoyable read.
Alanaragon.com: This blog is authored by nutritional expert Alan Aragon. I’ve previously reviewed Alan’s Research Review newsletter, which is one of the most educational publications on the topic that I’ve seen. Alan’s blog covers various nutritional topics and related info on fitness, and does so in a no-nonsense, enjoyable fashion. My only qualm is that he doesn’t post enough!
Weightology.net: This blog is authored by James Krieger. James is an incredibly bright fitness pro with a particular focus on exposing fitness myths. You may remember his guest post on my site a couple of months ago where he debunked some of the misconceptions about fructose. James’ posts are extremely well researched and you can always count on their accuracy of facts. The only downside is that some of the content is only available to premium subscribers. That said, the free content is highly informative and, if you like what you see, you might consider opting for a subscription.
NSCA Blog: Those who read workout911.com will know that I’m a huge supporter of the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). They are clearly the leading authority on strength training, which is borne out by their mission statement “To disseminate research-based knowledge and its practical application, to improve athletic performance and fitness.” The NSCA blog is evolving into an excellent resource, both for information on fitness as well as keeping abreast about what is going on in the association. Read the blog and, while your at it, consider joining the NSCA if you already aren’t a member. It’s a worthy investment.
Stay Fit!
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Excellent list, the only one I don’t have on my list is that Exercise Biology site. Just checked it out. Looks great! Thanks for the info Brad.
Comment by Kyle — July 1, 2011 @ 8:43 pm
Great list + recap of each. Thanks!
Comment by allie — July 1, 2011 @ 11:01 pm
No Mike Boyle what gives, no Gray Cook somethings Amis. Good choices otherwise we all stnd on the shoulders of giants the hardest thing is to get and retain is pure perfect movement.
Comment by Peter W Roberts — July 1, 2011 @ 11:27 pm
Good list and nice to see summaries of each entry. Aragon and Krieger are high on my list as well. It’s a shame http://www.leangains.com seems to have evaded your attention. It has the best myth-debunking articles of the bunch IMO. You should check it out.
Comment by johnn — July 2, 2011 @ 12:34 am
Very good list. I would also suggest http://www.theironsamurai.com by Olympic weightlifting coach Nick Horton.
Comment by Peter Curcio — July 2, 2011 @ 1:16 am
Thanks Brad for including me in the list! Dinner on me in Vegas (:-
Comment by Anoop — July 2, 2011 @ 9:10 am
Dan John?
Comment by Niel Patel — July 2, 2011 @ 1:59 pm
Greate list. I didn’t know Ben’s Blog.
I’d lie to recommend another blog called “Train out pain” at http://trainoutpain.blogspot.com/
Comment by Matt — July 3, 2011 @ 6:14 am
From Bret Contrera’s “About” page:
“…he created and popularized many new hip-strengthening exercises including the hip thrust – an exercise that has greatly influenced the training protocols of strength coaches and personal trainers.”
Really? He created this movement? Kind of like saying someone invented the pushup. Brad, I’m 56 and was doing the hip thrust in the gym in my late 30s. This kind of audacity makes me shake my head about some of these guys.
Comment by Kathleen — July 3, 2011 @ 5:24 pm
Thanks for sharing Brad. Follow many of these, added a few new ones to my RSS feed. Hopefully Train Daly makes it on the next list.
Comment by Dan Daly, CSCS — July 5, 2011 @ 1:13 pm
Excellent list I’m checking some of them out. Thanks
Comment by Patty — July 13, 2011 @ 10:59 pm
Thanks for the mention, Brad. And, congrats on being the NSCA personal trainer of the year. Keep up the great work!
Comment by Alan Aragon — August 13, 2011 @ 10:18 pm
[…]workout911.com » 10 Must-Read Fitness Blogs[…]…
Trackback by fitness[trainer/coach — November 24, 2011 @ 9:05 am
Thanks for the list, will be checking them out
Comment by Franklin — August 15, 2012 @ 5:13 pm
Great list love reading fitness blogs. Hope you dont mind thinking about us oldies next timr and adding me
Comment by kevin — November 6, 2012 @ 8:25 am