Archive of Fitness Articles
Fitness Articles
Below are the PDFs to my publications in peer-reviewed journals as well as links to various online articles I've either written or been interviewed in. I will continue to add to this list as additional articles are published.
- 3 total body programs for big arms
- 4 reasons you're not gaining muscle
- 5 muscle-building mistakes (and how to make gains)
- 5 Strategies for Choosing Exercises
- 5 things we can learn from Arnold about building muscle
- 6 lessons learned from the master blaster
- Accentuating muscular development through active insufficiency and passive tension
- An interview with Brad Schoenfeld - the hypertrophy specialist
- Applications of kettlebells in exercise program design
- Are all hip extension exercises created equal?
- Are deep squats a safe and viable exercise?
- Are leg extensions good or bad, safe or dangerous, effective or a waste of time, functional or non-functional?
- The biomechanics of squat depth
- Barbell hip thrust
- Blood Flow Restriction Training
- Demolish your genetic limits
- Do pain pills impair muscle growth?
- Do single joint exercises enhance functional fitness?
- Does cardio after an overnight fast maximize fat loss?
- Does exercise-induced muscle damage play a role in skeletal muscle hypertrophy?
- Effect of exercise on appetite regulating hormones in overweight women
- Effect of hand position on EMG activity of the posterior shoulder musculature
- Exercise and blood flow restriction
- High-intensity interval training: applications for general fitness training
- Is functional training really functional?
- Is Post-Exercise Muscle Soreness a Valid Indicator of Muscular Adaptations?
- Is There a Minimum Intensity Threshold for Resistance Training-Induced Hypertrophic Adaptations?
- Light Weights for Big Gains
- Metabolic resistance training: build muscle and torch fat at once
- Nutrient timing revisited: is there a post-exercise anabolic window?
- Omega-3 fatty acids: a novel fat-burner
- Omega-3 fatty acids and exercise: a review of their combined effects on body composition and physical performance
- Post-exercise hypertrophic adaptations: a re-examination of the hormone hypothesis
- Post-rehabilitation exercise considerations following hip arthroplasty
- Potential mechanisms for a role of metabolic stress in hypertrophic adaptations to resistance training
- Q&A: Brad Schoenfeld on Maximizing Muscle Growth
- Resistance training promotes increase in intracellular hydration in men and women
- SNI Interviews Brad Schoenfeld, MSc, CSCS
- Squatting kinematics and kinectis and their application to exercise performance
- The biomechanics of the push-up: implications for resistance training programs
- The biomechanics of squat depth
- The effect of protein timing on muscle strength and hypertrophy: a meta-analysis
- The hypertrophy specialist
- The long-lever posterior-tilt plank
- The mechanisms of muscle hypertrophy and their application to resistance training
- The muscle pump: Potential mechanisms and applications for enhancing hypertrophic adaptations
- The myth of cardio before breakfast - debunked!
- The role of fiber types in muscle hypertrophy
- The science of muscle growth
- The use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for exercise-induced muscle damage: implications for skeletal muscle development
- The use of specialized training techniques to maximize muscle hypertrophy
- To crunch or not to crunch: an evidence-based examination of spinal flexion exercises, their potential risks, and their applicability to program design.
- To crunch or not to crunch (consumer version)
- The upright row: implications for preventing subacromical impingement
- What makes muscles grow?
- Why bodybuilders are more jacked than powerlifters